History of Food and Technology

The origins of human technology are closely linked with food in a few ways. The first human technologies were likely stone tools and containers. Then People learned how to dry food, salted it, and smoked it to make it last longer. The next step was agriculture. People began to cultivate plants and raise animals for food. This allowed them to produce more food and support larger populations. And currently, biotechnology: using science to improve the quality and quantity of food. Each of these steps has helped us to become more efficient and prosperous as a species.

Modern Food Innovation

In the 2000’s Modernist cuisine hit the fine dining scene. It uses science to manipulate the flavors and textures of food. For example, modernist chefs may use techniques like sous vide to cook food at a very low temperature so that it retains its moisture and flavor. It seeks to redefine traditional cooking techniques and ingredients to create unusual and surprising flavors.

There are many cultures around the world that are using the science of food (aka food tech) in interesting and unique ways. Some cultures, like the Japanese, use food tech to create unique and interesting flavors. Others, like the French, use food tech to create visually appealing dishes. For example, you may have already tried the Impossible Burger, which is made from plant-based ingredients and designed to taste like a beef burger, or vegan cheeses, designed to taste and melt like cheese.

Food-tech is a subset of the growing field of biodesign. Food technology is the process of creating, modifying, and preserving food, while biodesign is the process of creating products and technologies using living organisms. Biodesign is an interdisciplinary field that integrates principles of engineering, biology, and design to create technological solutions to biological problems. Together, they create a powerful duo that can improve our food system.

Photo by Ron Lach

Why Change How We Make foods?

Food is one of the most significant contributors to global environmental degradation, with agriculture estimated to be responsible for up to 29% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The use of pesticides and herbicides, along with the production and distribution of food, all have a negative impact on the environment. Biodesigned foods are created with the environment in mind. They are made from sustainable, organic ingredients that are free from pesticides, herbicides and other potentially harmful compounds. Biodesigned foods also require less energy to produce and distribute than traditional foods, making them more sustainable.

Biodesign is a growing field, and is being used to create products that can help solve environmental problems. Compared to traditional agriculture, biodesigned foods are more sustainable because they require less land, water, and energy to produce. They also generate less pollution and produce fewer greenhouse gases. Ikenga Wines is the first company that is applying biodesign to tropical wines, like our sparkling palm wine. This serves as a turning point in the movement where biodesign is enabling the introduction of new products where conventional are not available.

Believe it or not, this article was written by an AI and edited by Human. We are starting to experiment with a natural language processing system that extracts meaning from human language texts. It can identify the parts of speech in a sentence, as well as the relationships between words. This information is used to generate a semantic representation.